Keywords in JAVA

Keywords in Java are reserved words by the compiler which has a special function and set of definitions.  Here the meaning of the reserved words is that these keywords are already predefined by Java so these cannot be used or not allowed for any other program elements like variable or identifier or object name or class name, methods etc. These are the fixed word which is used for a particular purpose. Till now there are 52 keywords in java these are: abstract continue for new switch
assert default goto package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import public transient
case enum instanceof return try
catch extends int short void
char final interface static volatile
class finally long strictfp while
const float native super

Operators in Java

Operators in Java – The symbol that is used to perform some logical and mathematical operations are called operators. These are very important to perform an operation on variables and values. There are different types of operators which are available in Java based on their functionalities these are as given below: Arithmetic Operator
Assignment Operator
Relational Operator (Comparison Operator)
Logical Operator
Bitwise Operator

Variable, Constant & Literals in JAVA

A variable is a data name that is used for storing a data value. The value of the variable may be changed during the program execution, Example: – int number = 8; Here ‘int’ is a data type, ‘number’ is a variable name and 8 is a value that it stores.

Difference between C++ and Java

Difference between C++ and Java It is better to learn more about Java due to the diversity and flexibility it provides. On other hand, people are looking forward to building operating systems, gaming engines, etc. those where high performance is needed, so to get benefits C++ can provide a better experience for these requirements.

Applications of Java

Java is one of the popular, demanded programming languages. It is most popular because of its high security, and easy-to-use-like features. The biggest benefit is that by using java we can develop various numbers of applications. But in today’s topic, we will focus on the application of Java. We all know that java has n number of applications. So today we discuss about few applications of java

What is Floating-Point Representation?

Introduction To Floating-Point Representation – Floating  Point Representation is the scientific notation of binary numbers. Floating  Point Representation is used for high-range values. It divides the number into three parts. The left-hand side represents a signed number and the right-hand side represents an exponent and the middle fixed point is called Mantissa.

History of JAVA

Start the History of Java – originally Java was developed by James Gosling, who is known as the father of Java at Sun Microsystems in May 1995. It was developed as a core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform. The Java language was originally called Oak. It was because outside of Gosling’s office there was an oak tree. Then later the project was finally renamed Java.

Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP – Generally, PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a popular open-source, server-side scripting language that is used for developing dynamic web pages. It is a set of Perl scripts that are known as the “Personal Home Page” tool. PHP is innovated by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995.

How to write our first java program with an example?

After Successfully installation of java now the question arises that how to write our first java program. So here we try to create a very basic java program. it is a tradition when we start learning a new programming language then it goes with a program called “Hello World.”

Installation of JAVA JDK JRE

How to install java JDK in a system? For Installation of JAVA JDK in a system, First choose an operating system for installation i.e. Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, etc.
Then search in your browser i.e. download JDK. Here the website of is indexed so using this site simply go to the download for your respective operating system.