Object In Java

A language for object-oriented programming is Java. Breaking large problems down into smaller pieces is the fundamental idea behind the object-oriented methodology.

OOPs Concept In Java

“Object Oriented Programming,” as the term is commonly known and used, is a key idea in contemporary programming languages like Java.

Java Recursion

Recursion is the process of a function repeatedly invoking itself. There is no need for a looping statement to be executed in the recursion method. With the help of this technique, complex problems can be reduced to more manageable, simpler ones.

Varargs In Java

Variable arguments are abbreviated as “varargs.” An argument of a method in Java can take any number of values. Varargs is the name of this argument, which can accept a variable number of values.

Keywords in JAVA

Keywords in Java are reserved words by the compiler which has a special function and set of definitions.  Here the meaning of the reserved words is that these keywords are already predefined by Java so these cannot be used or not allowed for any other program elements like variable or identifier or object name or class name, methods etc. These are the fixed word which is used for a particular purpose. Till now there are 52 keywords in java these are: abstract continue for new switch
assert default goto package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import public transient
case enum instanceof return try
catch extends int short void
char final interface static volatile
class finally long strictfp while
const float native super

Non-Primitive Data Types in Java

Data types are basically used for declaring variables and functions of different types. It can define different sizes and values which are used to store variables. Non-primitive data types are also called reference types. This is because these data types are directly referred to as objects. It means like primitive data types these data types are not pre-defined. These are popular for user-defined which are created by programmers. There are various types of non-primitive data types in java i.e.:

Data Types in Java

Data types are basically used for declaring variables and functions of different types. It can define different sizes and values which are used to store variables. In Java, data types are two types i.e.: Primitive Data Types (Intrinsic)
Non-Primitive Data Types (Derived)