Syntax in C++

To better understand the following C++ code, let’s deconstruct it:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  cout << "Hello GeektoCode!";
  return 0;

Example explained

If you’re confused about how #include <iostream> and using namespace std work, don’t worry. Consider it merely as a component that (almost) always appears in your program.

  1. A header file library called  #include<iostream> enables us to work with input and output objects like cout . C++ programs gain functionality thanks to header files.
  2. We can use names for objects and variables from the standard library when namespace std is used.
  3. Unfilled line. White space is ignored in C++. However, we make use of it to improve code readability.
  4. The cout object, pronounced “see-out,” is used to output or print text when combined with the insertion operator (). It will display “Hello GeektoCode” in our example.
  5. The main function is concluded by return 0.
  6. To actually end the main function, don’t forget to add the closing curly bracket } .
Remember that, Keep in mind that the compiler ignores blank spaces. The code is more readable when there are several lines, though.

Note: In C++, every sentence is concluded with a semicolon ‘ ; ‘.

Note: The following could also be used to represent the body of the int main() function: int main () { cout “Hello GeektoCode! “; return 0; }

Without of Namespace

Some C++ programs may not require the default namespace library to function. For some objects, the using namespace std line can be skipped in favor of the std keyword followed by the :: (Scope resolution Operator) operator:


#include <iostream>
int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello GeektoCode!";
  return 0;

You can decide whether to use the standard namespace library or not.

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