Learn Python Programming

A well-liked general-purpose programming language is Python. It is utilized in a variety of fields, including desktop applications, web development, and machine learning. Fortunately, Python has a straightforward, user-friendly syntax for beginners. Python is a fantastic language for beginners to learn because of this.

All of Python’s core ideas will be covered in our tutorials. By the end, you will feel confident using Python to create projects.

Python Programming Flow
Decision Making
Break and Continue
Numbers in Python
Numbers in Python
Python Collections (Arrays)
List Vs Tuple
Python Modules
Importing Modules
Create a module
Standard module
Collection Module
Math Module
OS Module
Random Module
Statistics Module
SYS Module
Python Date and Time
Program Execution Time
Date/Time Methods
Python Exception Handling
Exception Handling with try
Handling Multiple Exception
Write our own exception (Custom Exception)
Python File Handling
File Handling Modes
Reading Files
Writing and appending Files
Handling File Exception
Read CSV File
Write CSV File
Read Excel File
Write Excel File
Python Regular Expressions
Working with special characters, date emails
Match and find all
Character sequence and substitute
Search method
Python in OOPs
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
Creating Class and Object
Python Methods
Constructors in Python – Parameterized and
Inheritance in Python
In built class methods and attributes
Multi-Level and Multiple Inheritance
Python Polymorphism
Method Overriding
Data Abstraction
Python Databases Access
Installation & Environment Setup
DB Connection
Creating New Database
Creating DB Table
Insert Operations
Read Operations
Update Operations
Delete Operations
Join Operations
Commit & Rollback operations
Performing Transactions
Handling Errors
Python Multithreading
Introduction to Multithreading
Class & Threads
Multi Treading
Tread Life Cycle
Use Case
Python MongoDB
Python SQLite
Python Networking Programming
Introduction to Python Networking Programming
A Daytime Server
Clients & Servers
The Client Program
The Server Program
Python GUI Programming
Introduction to GUI Programming in Python
Components & Events
GUI Example
The root component
Adding a Button
Entry Widgets
Check buttons
Some Other Application
Python Assert
Python List Comprehension
Dictionary Comprehension
Variable Arguments
Command Line Arguments
Frozen Set
Python IDEs
Python JSON
Python Sending Email
Python Multiprocessing
Gmail API in Python
Python CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Programming

Python Programming Information

  • Free and open-source – You can use and share Python without restriction, even for commercial purposes.
  • Python has a very simple and elegant syntax, making it simple to learn. Compared to languages like C++, Java, and C#, Python programs are much simpler to read and write.
  • Python programs are portable, meaning you can move them from one platform to another and run them there unchanged.

Python: Why Learn It?

  • Learning Python is simple. The code is very readable, and the syntax is simple.
  • There are many applications for Python. Web application development, data science, rapid application development, and other activities use it.
  • Compared to the majority of programming languages, Python enables you to write programs with fewer lines of code.
  • Python’s acceptance is rising quickly. It’s now among the most widely used programming languages.

How can I learn Python?

  • Interactive Python Course – After learning each concept, you’ll want to learn Python by completing challenges and quizzes.
  • Python tutorial from GeektoCode – We offer detailed Python tutorials, illustrations, and references. Start learning Python.
  • Official Python tutorial – For novices, it might be challenging to follow and comprehend. Visit the Python tutorial website.
  • Write a lot of Python code – Programming can only be learned by writing a lot of code.