Java Recursion

Good day, readers. We will talk about Java recursion in today’s topic. Before writing a Java program, it is essential to understand these fundamental ideas. Before these, we also covered decision-making, loop control, and Java methods in case you missed them. Now, hurry up! Other Java-related topics, including Difference between C++ & Java, Operators in Java, Data Types in Java, and many others, have also been briefly discussed in the past. This information will be very helpful to your understanding. So let’s get to the point without further hesitation:

What is recursion in java?

Recursion is the process of a function repeatedly invoking itself. There is no need for a looping statement to be executed in the recursion method. With the help of this technique, complex problems can be reduced to more manageable, simpler ones.

Here the result is a compact but difficult-to-understand code.

New storage spaces for variables are allotted on the stack when a recursive call is made. The old variables and parameters are removed from the stack as each recursive call returns. Recursion is therefore typically slower and consumes more memory.

The writing, debugging, and maintenance of a recursive solution, on the other hand, are much faster.


return_type method_name(){  
     //some cod  e
     method_name();   //calling the method again (same method)

Let’s take an example:

public class GeektoCode{
	public static int sum(int k){
		if (k>1){
			return k * sum(k-1)
			return 1;
        public static void main(String []args){
	     int result = sum(5);



Thus, the primary subject of this article is Java recursion. I sincerely hope you can use this. Wait for this to meet in the next post, where we will discuss a brand-new aspect of Java. Thanks a lot.

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